Superstitious Meaning in Hindi- अंधविश्वासी |
Let us unravel superstitious meaning in Hindi as we continue our language exploration. Gaining an understanding of these subtleties facilitates successful communication and provides cultural insights.
Definition of Superstitious meaning in Hindi
Superstitious (अंधविश्वासी) refers to a belief in supernatural causality—attributing events to magic, rituals, or symbols. It often influences actions or decisions based on irrational fear or perceived omens.
Superstitious Hindi Translation and Pronunciation
‘Superstitious’ translates to ‘अंधविश्वासी’ in Hindi, pronounced as “Andhavishvasi.” Embrace the pronunciation to wield the word confidently in your linguistic arsenal.
Synonyms of Superstitious in English and Hindi :
Sr. No. | Synonyms of Superstitious in English | Synonyms of Superstitious in Hindi |
1 | Belief-bound | धारणा-बंधित |
2 | Irrational | तर्कहीन |
3 | Unreasonable | असमझदार |
4 | Unscientific | अत्यंत वैज्ञानिक |
5 | Fantastical | काल्पनिक |
6 | Fantastical | रहस्यमय |
7 | Paranormal | अलौकिक |
8 | Pseudo-scientific | कृत्रिम-वैज्ञानिक |
Antonyms of Superstitious
Sr. No. | Antonyms of Superstitious in English | Antonyms of Superstitious in Hindi |
1 | Rational | तर्कसंगत |
2 | Logical | तार्किक |
3 | Realistic | यथार्थवादी |
4 | Pragmatic | व्यावसायिक |
5 | Sensible | विवेकी |
6 | Scientific | वैज्ञानिक |
7 | Enlightened | प्रबुद्ध |
8 | Reasonable | समझदार |
9 | Empirical | प्रायोगिक |
Superstitious Meaning in Hindi with Example:
Sr. No. | Superstitious meaning in English with Example | Superstitious meaning in Hindi with Example |
1 | She’s quite superstitious and always avoids walking under ladders. | वह काफी अंधविश्वासी है और हमेशा सीढ़ियों के नीचे से नहीं चलती। |
2 | Being superstitious, he carries a lucky charm wherever he goes. | अंधविश्वासी होने के कारण, वह हर जगह भाग्यशाली चीज़ लेकर जाता है। |
3 | Superstitious beliefs often stem from cultural traditions passed down through generations. | अंधविश्वासी धारणाएँ अक्सर पीढ़ियों में चली आ रही सांस्कृतिक परंपराओं से उत्पन्न होती हैं। |
4 | Despite being rational, she respects her grandmother’s superstitious practices. | तार्किक होने के बावजूद, वह अपनी दादी के अंधविश्वासी अनुष्ठानों का सम्मान करती है। |
5 | Superstitious fears can sometimes dictate people’s behaviors. | अंधविश्वासी भय कभी-कभी लोगों के व्यवहार को निर्देशित कर सकते हैं। |
6 | He laughed at her superstitious beliefs, finding them illogical. | वह उसके अंधविश्वासी विश्वासों पर हंसा, उन्हें तार्कहीन मानते हुए। |
7 | The town’s folklore is filled with superstitious tales of ghosts and spirits. | शहर की लोककथाएँ भूतों और आत्माओं की अंधविश्वासी कहानियों से भरी हुई हैं। |
8 | Despite scientific explanations, some people cling to their superstitious rituals. | वैज्ञानिक व्याख्याओं के बावजूद, कुछ लोग अपने अंधविश्वासी रीति-रिवाज़ों में अटके रहते हैं।
9 | Superstitious beliefs vary greatly across different cultures and regions. | अंधविश्वासी धारणाएँ विभिन्न संस्कृतियों और क्षेत्रों में बहुत अलग-अलग होती हैं। |
10 | She dismissed his advice, attributing it to his superstitious nature. | उसने उसकी सलाह को नकार दिया, उसे उसकी अंधविश्वासी प्रकृति का कारण मानते हुए। |
Superstitious का अर्थ क्या है?:
“Superstitious का अर्थ है ‘अंधविश्वासी,’ जिससे आप जादू, रीति-रिवाज, या प्रतीकों को अतीत्मय घटित करते हैं।”
Superstitious Meaning in English:
Superstitious meaning in English mirrors the Hindi concept of ‘अंधविश्वासी,’ encapsulating beliefs tied to the supernatural.
Superstitious का मतलब हिंदी में:
“Superstitious का मतलब है ‘अंधविश्वासी,’ जो अद्भूत निमित्तानुसार घटित होने वाली घटनाओं को समर्थन करता है – इससे किसी क्रिया या निर्णय पर अंधकारित भय या पूर्वानुमान हो सकता है।”
Meaning of Superstitious in Hindi:
Superstitious in Hindi means ‘अंधविश्वासी,’ emphasizing a belief in supernatural influences affecting decisions and actions.
Definition of Superstitious:
The definition of ‘superstitious’ encompasses a belief system grounded in the irrational, often leading individuals to attribute events to mystical forces rather than logical explanations.
Superstitious Hindi Meaning:
‘Superstitious Hindi Meaning’ delves into decoding ‘अंधविश्वासी’ and its impact on thought processes in Hindi-speaking communities.
Superstitious Pronunciation (उच्चारण):
Master the art of pronunciation with “Andhavishvasi.” Pronounce it confidently to communicate effectively.
Superstitious Nouns:
The Nouns of superstition are
- amulet.
- charm.
- coincidence.
- fate.
- fortune.
- jinx.
- luck.
- mascot
Superstitious ka Matlab Kya Hai:
“Superstitious ka Matlab Hai ‘अंधविश्वासी,’ jo aakarshan aur acharan par asar dalne wale adhyatmik tattvon mein vishvas karta hai.”
Superstitious Ka Hindi Meaning:
‘Superstitious Ka Hindi Meaning‘ explores the contextual meaning of ‘अंधविश्वासी’ in everyday usage.
Conclusion: Superstitious meaning in Hindi
Embark on this linguistic journey where ‘superstitious’ transcends linguistic boundaries, offering a profound understanding of cultural intricacies and linguistic richness. Hope you might have understood the concept of superstitious meaning in Hindi. Stay tuned for more linguistic revelations on EnglishToHindis!