Pardon Me Meaning in Hindi

Pardon Me Meaning in Hindi

           Pardon Me Meaning in Hindi and Definition: मुझे क्षमा करें

In this article, you will get the English-to-Hindi meaning and translation of Pardon Me Meaning in Hindi with definitions, nouns, synonyms, antonyms, sentence usage examples, and pronunciation.

Pardon me is an English-language word. We all should understand the Hindi meaning of Pardon Me to enhance our English vocabulary so that we can use this Pardon Me in Hindi and English conversations in our daily lives. Knowing the Hindi translation of Pardon Me English words will also improve our communication and speaking skills, which will ultimately help to grow our English knowledge and confidence level.


Pardon Me Hindi Meaning  = मुझे क्षमा करें , माफ़ कीजिए

Pardon Me Meaning in English = to apologize or seek forgiveness for a mistake


What is the meaning of Pardon Me in English and Hindi?

WORD Pardon Me Meaning in English  Pardon Me का हिंदी में मतलब
      Pardon Me to apologize or seek forgiveness for a mistake मुझे क्षमा करें , माफ़ कीजिए


Learning Pardon Me Meaning in Hindi with Example

Sr. No. Pardon Me Meaning in English with Example Pardon Me Meaning in Hindi with Example
1. Pardon me, I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation. मुझे क्षमा करें, मैंने आपको देखा नहीं।
2. Pardon me for the confusion; I misspoke in my earlier statement. पर्डन मी, क्या आपने कुछ कहा?
3. Excuse me, pardon me, I didn’t realize you were waiting for the elevator. ओह, पर्डन मी, मैं गलती से आपकी जगह पर बैठ गया।
4. Pardon me, may I ask you a quick question? मुझे क्षमा करें, क्या आपने अपना नाम फिर से बताएं?
5. Pardon me, but I believe you dropped this pen. पर्डन मी, क्या मैंने आपको बाधित किया?


English Word Pardon Me Nouns

  • Apology
  • Forgiveness
  • Excuse
  • Regret
  • Absolution

What are Similar words/synonyms of Pardon Me in Hindi and English?

Sr. No.   Pardon Me Similar Words in English  Pardon Me के समानार्थक शब्द हिन्दी में 
1. Excuse Me बक्षें
2. Sorry क्षमा करें
3. Forgive Me मुझे माफ़ करें
4. Apologize क्षमा प्राप्त करें
5. Regret पछताना


What are Oppositive words/antonyms of Pardon Me in Hindi and English?

Sr. No. Antonyms of Pardon Me in English  Antonyms of Pardon Me in Hindi
1. Condemn निन्दा करना
2. Accuse इलज़ाम लगाना
3. Blame आरोप लगाना
4. Reproach आलोचना करना
5. Criticize आलोचना करना


Pardon Me ka Matlab Kya hai?

Pardon Me ka arth hota hai kisi se maafi maangna ya kisi ke dikkat ya apman ka shabdh. Yeh vyakti apne galti ya asuvidha ke liye maafi ya samajh ki maang karte hain. Iska istemal samvedansheel bhasha mein galatiyon ya anya vyakti ki uttejna ke liye kiya jata hai.


Pardon Me का हिन्दी अर्थ

Pardon Me का हिंदी अर्थ होता है “मुझे क्षमा करें” या “माफ़ कीजिए”। यह एक शिष्टाचारपूर्ण तरीके से किसी से माफी मांगने का तरीका है, खासकर जब किसी ने गलती की हो या किसी छोटी सी आपत्ति की हो।


Also, Read below Articles to Learn New  English Words


Final words on Pardon Me in Hindi

In this blog post on EnglishToHindi‘s website, you’ve grasped the meaning of Pardon Me in Hindi. This newfound knowledge enriches your comprehension of English words in your native language, fostering improved communication and language skills. Acquiring new vocabulary is pivotal for effective communication.


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