Lucrative meaning in Hindi

Lucrative meaning in Hindi

          Lucrative Meaning in Hindi (लाभकारी)


Hey friends, Today, We will be learning the new word, Lucrative. Lucrative is an English language word used to express something having high value of profitable. To understand the word Lucrative Meaning in Hindi we will make use of simple English words. Let’s understand the Hindi Meaning of Lucrative with the use of simple examples.

Lucrative” refers to something that is highly profitable, yielding substantial financial gains or rewards. In business or investments, a Lucrative Meaning in Hindi opportunity implies the potential for significant returns, making it desirable and advantageous.

Introduction: Lucrative Meaning in Hindi

Welcome to EnglishToHindis, your go-to source for understanding the meaning of English words in Hindi. In this post, we’ll explore the meaning of Lucrative and delve into its usage in both languages.

Definition of word Lucrative Meaning in Hindi

“Lucrative” is an adjective in English, derived from the Latin word “lucrativus,” meaning profitable. In Hindi, “Lucrative” translates to “लाभकारी” or “फायदेमंद.” It describes something that is financially rewarding or has the potential for profit.

Lucrative Hindi Translation:

“Lucrative” का हिंदी में अर्थ है “लाभकारी” या “फायदेमंद.”

Lucrative Usage in Sentences:

The business venture proved to be highly lucrative, yielding substantial profits.

She accepted the lucrative job offer due to its attractive salary and benefits.

Synonyms of Lucrative

Sr. No. Synonyms of Lucrative in English Synonyms of Lucrative in Hindi
1 Profitable लाभकारी
2 Remunerative भुगतानयोग्य
3 Gainful लाभप्रद
4 Prosperous समृद्ध
5 Money-making धनकमान
6 Successful सफल
7 Rewarding पुरस्कृत
8 Productive उत्पादक
9 High-yielding उच्च प्राप्तियुक्त
10 Remunerable पुनर्मुद्रणीय

Antonyms of Lucrative

Sr. No. Antonyms of Lucrative in English Antonyms of Lucrative in Hindi 
1 Unprofitable अलाभकारी
2 Nonremunerative अबुधारक
3 Unrewarding अपुरस्कृत
4 Unsuccessful असफल
5 Unproductive अनुपयुक्त
6 Unprosperous असमृद्ध
7 Nonprofitable अनाधिकृत
8 Unremunerated अबद्ध
9 Unbeneficial अनुपयोगी
10 Unrewarded अनुपयोगी

Lucrative Meaning in English:

The English meaning of “Lucrative” is associated with profitability or financial gain.

“Lucrative meaning in Hindi”:

Discover the Hindi interpretation of “Lucrative” as “लाभकारी” or “फायदेमंद,” denoting financial prosperity and gain in various contexts.

“Lucrative in Hindi with example”:

Sr. No. Lucrative meaning in English with example Lucrative meaning in Hindi with example
1 The business venture turned out to be highly lucrative, bringing in substantial profits. व्यापार परियोजना बहुत लाभकारी साबित हुई, जिससे कि यथासम्भाव लाभ हुआ।
2 Real estate can be a lucrative investment if timed correctly. रियल एस्टेट सही समय पर निवेश किया जा सकता है जो लाभकारी हो सकता है।
3 Many people are drawn to the field of technology due to its lucrative career opportunities. कई लोग प्रौद्योगिकी क्षेत्र की ओर आकर्षित होते हैं क्योंकि इसमें लाभकारी करियर के अवसर होते हैं।
4 The company offers a range of lucrative benefits to attract top talent. कंपनी शीर्ष प्रतिभा आकर्षित करने के लिए विभिन्न लाभकारी लाभ प्रदान करती है।
5 Investing in renewable energy has proven to be a lucrative and environmentally conscious choice. नवीन ऊर्जा में निवेश करना एक लाभकारी और पर्यावरण सचेत विकल्प साबित हुआ है।
6 The author’s lucrative book deal allowed her to pursue writing full-time. लेखिका की लाभकारी पुस्तक सौदा ने उसे पूरी तरह से लेखन में लगने का अवसर दिया।
7 The tech industry is known for its lucrative stock options for employees. तकनीकी उद्योग के कर्मचारियों के लिए लाभकारी स्टॉक विकल्पों के लिए मशहूर है।
8 Entering the export market can be a lucrative strategy for small businesses seeking growth. निर्यात बाजार में प्रवेश करना विकास की तलाश में छोटे व्यापारों के लिए एक लाभकारी रणनीति हो सकती है।
9 The film industry can be unpredictable, but a blockbuster movie can be highly lucrative. फिल्म उद्योग अनियमित हो सकता है, लेकिन एक ब्लॉकबस्टर फिल्म बहुत लाभकारी हो सकती है।
10 Starting a successful online business can be a lucrative venture with the right strategies. सफल ऑनलाइन व्यापार शुरू करना सही रणनीतियों के साथ एक लाभकारी उद्यम हो सकता है।

“Lucrative का अर्थ क्या है?”:

जानिए “Lucrative का अर्थ है “लाभकारी” या “फायदेमंद,” जिसे समर्थन करने वाले वाणिज्यिक और आर्थिक संबंधों को और बढ़ावा मिलता है।

“Lucrative meaning in English”:

In English, “Lucrative” signifies profitability and financial advantage, encapsulating opportunities that yield substantial gains.

“Lucrative का  हिंदी “:

लाभकारी शब्द का अर्थ है “लाभकारी” या “फायदेमंद,” जिसे संबंधित शब्दों के साथ मिलकर सीखें और अपनी भाषा में बेहतर संवाद स्थापित करें।

“Meaning of Lucrative in Hindi”:

Unveil the significance of “Lucrative” in Hindi, understanding its connotations of financial gain and advantageous dealings.

“Lucrative का मतलब हिंदी में“:

“Lucrative का मतलब है “लाभकारी” या “फायदेमंद,” जिसे आप विभिन्न संदर्भों में सही से प्रयोग कर सकते हैं।

“Definition of Lucrative”:

Grasp the essence of “Lucrative” through its definition, highlighting its association with profitability and financial success.

“Lucrative Hindi meaning”:

Delve into the Hindi interpretation of “Lucrative,” emphasizing its relevance in the realm of business and economic transactions.

Lucrative pronunciation (उच्चारण)”:

Perfect your pronunciation with the correct enunciation of “Lucrative,” ensuring effective communication in both English and Hindi.

“Lucrative Nouns”:

The nouns of “Lucrative are-

  • Venture 
  • Opportunity
  • Investment
  • Market
  • Career

“Lucrative ka matlab kya hai”:

जानिए “Lucrative ka matlab kya hai” और इसे सही से समझकर आप बढ़िया तरीके से अपने भाषा ज्ञान को समृद्धि दें।

“Lucrative ka hindi meaning”:

“Lucrative ka hindi meaning” है “लाभकारी” या “फायदेमंद,” जिससे उचित उदाहरण और संदर्भों के साथ समझाया गया है।


English Word Lucrative Meaning in Hindi

Lucrative = लाभप्रद, लाभदायक

Lucrative meaning in English = Profitable, Advantages, Gainful


Lucrative Meaning in English and Hindi

       Word   Meaning in English       Meaning in Hindi
    Lucrative     Profitable, Advantages       लाभप्रद, लाभदायक

Example use of Lucrative in Sentences:

  1. Ravleen got a lucrative job offer.
  2. He is holding a lucrative business.


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