Jangling Meaning in Hindi- शोर मचाना |
Hey friends, Today, we will be learning the new word, jangling. Jangling is an English-language word that means a harsh metallic sound. To understand the word Jangling Meaning in Hindi we will make use of simple English words.
Let’s understand the Hindi Meaning of Jangling with the use of simple examples.
English Word Jangling Meaning in Hindi:
Jangling = शोर मचाना
Jangling meaning in English = an harsh metallic sound
Word | Meaning in English | Meaning in Hindi |
Jangling | an harsh metallic sound | शोर मचाना |
Example use of Jangling in Sentences:
Sr. No. | Example use of Jangling in English | Example use of Jangling in Hindi |
1 | The keys were jangling loudly in my pocket. | मेरे पॉकेट में चाबियाँ ज़ोर से जंगला रही थीं। |
2 | The jangling of bells announced the arrival of the ice cream truck. | घंटियों की जंगली से आइसक्रीम ट्रक के आगमन की घोषणा कर रही थी। |
3 | The wind chimes were jangling melodiously in the breeze. | हवा में हंसती हुई हवा बजाते हुए जंगली थे। |
4 | The coins in his pocket were constantly jangling as he walked. | उसकी जेब में सिक्के जब वह चलता था, वे बार-बार जंगला रहे थे। |
5 | The jangling of keys echoed through the empty hallway. | चाबियों का जंगला हॉलवे में गूंथा हुआ था। |
6 | The jangling noise disrupted the peaceful atmosphere of the library. | जंगली शोर ने पुस्तकालय के शांतिपूर्ण वातावरण को बिगाड़ा। |
7 | The jangling of the tambourine added rhythm to the music. | ढोलकी के जंगले ने संगीत में ताल मिलाया। |
8 | The jangling of the phone interrupted our conversation. | फ़ोन की जंगली ने हमारी बातचीत को रुकवा दिया। |
9 | The jangling of the cowbells signaled the return of the cattle. | गायों की घंटियों की जंगली ने पशुओं के वापसी का संकेत किया। |
10 | The jangling of the wind chimes created a soothing ambiance on the porch. | हवा बजाती हुई हवा बजाती हुई विरामी परिसर में शानदार माहौल बना दिया। |
Jangling Nouns
- Jangle
- Jangle
- Jangle of Coins
- Jangling Tambourine
- Jangle of Bells
Synonyms of Jangling
Sr. No. | Synonyms of Jangling in English | Synonyms of Jangling in Hindi |
1 | Clanging | जलसाजी |
2 | Jingling | झिलमिलाहट |
3 | Clashing | टकराहट |
4 | Chiming | घंटीबजाहट |
5 | Rattling | खड़खड़ाहट |
6 | Tinkling | टिंकलिंग |
7 | Clattering | गड़गड़ाहट |
8 | Dissonant | असमान्तर |
9 | Discordant | असांगत |
10 | Dissonance | अहरम्मिता |
Antonyms of Jangling
Sr. No. | Antonyms of Jangling in English | Antonyms of Jangling in Hindi |
1 | Harmonious | सुरमई |
2 | Melodious | सुरीला |
3 | Mellow | मधुर |
4 | Soft | मुलायम |
5 | Gentle | कोमल |
6 | Smooth | चिकना |
7 | Soothing | शांतिप्रद |
8 | Musical | संगीतमय |
9 | Consonant | सुसंगत |
10 | Balanced | संतुलित |
Meaning of Jangling in Hindi
The word “jangling” can be translated into Hindi as “जलसाजी” or “झिलमिलाहट.” In Hindi, it refers to a discordant or harsh sound, often produced by the clashing or jingling of metallic objects, such as keys or coins. It can also describe any unpleasant or noisy sound that lacks harmony or melody.
Concluding Jangling meaning in Hindi
The blog on “Jangling meaning in Hindi” on the EnglishToHindis website enlightens readers about the Hindi translation of “Jangling,” conveying its essence as a discordant or unpleasant sound, often associated with the clashing of metallic objects.