Crimson Meaning in Hindi- गहरा लाल |
Hey friends, Today, we will be learning the new word, crimson. Crimson is an English-language word; it means a deep deep/dark red colour . To understand the word Crimson Meaning in Hindi we will make use of simple English words.
Let’s understand the Hindi Meaning of Crimson with the use of simple examples.
English Word Crimson Meaning in Hindi
Crimson = गहरा लाल
Crimson meaning in English = deep/dark red colour
Word | Meaning in English | Indecision in Hindi |
Crimson | deep/dark red colour | गहरा लाल |
Example use of Crimson in Sentences:
Sr. No. | Example use of Crimson in English | Example use of Crimson in Hindi |
1 | The sunset painted the sky in shades of crimson. | सूर्यास्त ने आकाश को लाल रंग में रंगा। |
2 | Her cheeks turned crimson when she saw him. | जब उसने उसे देखा, तो उसके गाल लाल हो गए। |
3 | The autumn leaves were a vibrant shade of crimson. | पत्तियाँ ख़िज़ां के एक जीवंत रंग की थीं, जो कि लाल था। |
4 | The old book had a worn, crimson cover. | पुरानी किताब में एक पुराने, लाल रंग की कवर थी। |
5 | The rose petals were a deep shade of crimson. | गुलाब के पत्तियाँ गहरे लाल रंग की थीं। |
6 | The battlefield was stained with the crimson of fallen soldiers. | युद्धभूमि से गिरे सैनिकों के लाल रंग से भर गई थी। |
7 | The autumn sunsets in the mountains turned the snow-capped peaks crimson. | पहाड़ी में ख़िज़ां के सूर्यास्त ने बर्फ से ढंके शिखरों को लाल रंग में बदल दिया। |
8 | The artist used various shades of crimson to create a dramatic effect. | कलाकार ने एक नाटकीय प्रभाव बनाने के लिए विभिन्न लाल रंगों का उपयोग किया। |
9 | The autumn breeze carried the fragrance of crimson flowers. | ख़िज़ां की हवा ने लाल फूलों की सुगंध लेकर आई। |
10 | As the night fell, the city lights turned the skyline into a sea of crimson. | जैसे कि रात आ गई, शहर की रोशनी ने स्काईलाइन को एक लाल रंग की सागर में बदल दिया। |
Crimson Nouns
- Rose
- Blood
- Sunset
- Velvet
Synonyms of Crimson
Sr. No. | Synonym of Crimson in English | Synonyms of Crimson in Hindi |
1 | Red | लाल |
2 | Scarlet | ताम्र |
3 | Ruby | माणिक्य |
4 | Burgundy | बरगंडी |
5 | Carmine | कार्मिन |
6 | Maroon | मरून |
7 | Claret | क्लैरेट |
8 | Vermilion | शोभायमान लाल |
9 | Cherry | चेरी |
10 | Rouge | रूज |
Antonyms of Crimson
Sr. No. | Antonyms of Crimson in English | Antonyms of Crimson in Hindi |
1 | Black | काला |
2 | White | सफेद |
3 | Gray | स्लेटी |
4 | Blue | नीला |
5 | Green | हरा |
6 | Yellow | पीला |
7 | Brown | भूरा |
8 | Pink | गुलाबी |
9 | Orange | नारंगी |
10 | Purple | बैंगनी |
“Crimson” ek rang (color) ko refer karta hai, jo ki gehra, bhara hua laal hota hai. Iska istemal kisi bhi cheez, jaise kapda, phool, ya koi aur vastu ko describe karne ke liye hota hai, jo is gehre laal rang mein hoti hai. “Crimson” ka matlab hota hai ek vishesh prakar ka laal rang, jo am commonly aur artistic contexts mein istemal hota hai.
Meaning of Crimson in Hindi:
Concluding Crimson meaning in Hindi
“Crimson meaning in Hindi” is a blog featured on the EnglishToHindis website, offering a concise explanation of the term. The blog succinctly defines “crimson” as “लाल,” providing a valuable resource for individuals seeking to understand the Hindi translation of this specific shade of red. With clarity and brevity, the blog serves as a helpful language reference for users navigating between English and Hindi.