Designation Meaning in Hindi- संज्ञा/ नियुक्ति |
Today we will learn about the designation in Hindi. The designation in Hindi is नियुक्ति or संज्ञा. It is used when someone achieves something. For example, Mayank’s designation is to be an Army officer.
Designation = संज्ञा, नियुक्ति
Designation Meaning in English = Ordination, position, consciousness
What is the meaning of Designation in Hindi and English
Word | Designation Meaning in English | Designation Meaning in Hindi |
Designation | Ordination, position, and consciousness | संज्ञा, नियुक्ति |
Learning Designation Meaning in Hindi with Example
Sr. No. | Designation Meaning in English with Example | Designation Meaning in Hindi with Example |
1 | IPS is the biggest designation. | उनका नियुक्ति उपमुख्यमंत्री का है। |
2 | Cricketer is a dream designation for every Indian. | उसका संज्ञा सचिव है। |
3 | My designation is to be a black-hat hacker. | शिक्षक का नियुक्ति उनका है। |
4 | My friend’s Designation is to be the biggest thief in the World | डॉक्टर का संज्ञा सम्मानयात्री है। |
5 | A teacher is her professional designation. | इस पद के साथ जिम्मेदारियां आती हैं। |
English Word Designation Nouns
- Manager
- Director
- President
- Coordinator
- Officer
What are synonyms of Designation in Hindi and English
Sr. No. | Synonyms of Designation in English | Synonyms of Designation in Hindi |
1 | Title | पदक |
2 | Position | पद |
3 | Nomination | नामांकन |
4 | Appointment | तिरुस्थान |
5 | Naming | नामकरण |
What are antonyms of Designation in Hindi and English
Sr. No. | Antonyms of Designation in English | Antonyms of Designation in Hindi |
1 | Unemployed | अनपद |
2 | Jobless | बेरोजगार |
3 | Temporary | स्थायी |
4 | Permanent | अस्थायी |
5 | Undefined | अनिर्दिष्ट |
Designation ka matlab Kya hai
Designation शब्द का अर्थ है कि किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान, या वस्तु को एक विशिष्ट नाम या पद देना, जिससे वह पहचाना जा सके और उसकी कर्तव्यों को समझा जा सके। Designation vyakti ki naukri ya sthal bhi ek prakar se namakaran hai, jisse unki sthiti, jimmedari, ya adhikar ko स्पष्ट रूप से बताया जा सके। Yeh व्यक्ति की professional या official status को ठीक से बताता है।
What is the meaning of designation in Hindi?
Designation का अर्थ है “पद” या “नामांकन”। यह शब्द किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान, या वस्तु को एक विशिष्ट नाम या पद देने को प्रेरित करता है, जिससे वह आसानी से पहचाना जा सके और उसकी दायित्वें स्पष्ट हों। Designation व्यक्ति के official या professional status को ठीक से बताता है। Iisse vyakti ka karyakshetra, responsibility, ya adhikar स्पष्ट रूप से समझ सकते हैं।
Last Words on Designation Meaning in Hindi
The EnglishToHindis website features an educational blog titled Designation Meaning in Hindi, which clarifies how the term designation is understood in Hindi. The blog provides a concise explanation of how designation means “पद” or “नामांकन” in Hindi, highlighting the need to give names or titles to people, positions, or things to identify and define duties. It is an invaluable tool for anybody looking for a thorough grasp of the phrases concerning the Hindi language and its use.